Each of our stickers contains a 6-character code. When a valid code is entered the wheel spins to randomly create between 1 and 10 raffle tickets in our database linked to the sticker code. Use the test login id below then press the demo button see the interface in action.
primary school id : 123456
secondary school id : 654321
Year groups are automatically created according to school type (primary/secondary) and extra student groups (e.g. pastoral houses) can be added using our Run-That-Raffle web page.
Click the image on the left to open the feature.
We run THREE national raffles each year at the end of each traditional academic term e.g. Christmas, Easter and Summer.
10% of the previous year profits fund a range of student prizes in the form of gift vouchers from Amazon, Tesco, etc.
Reasons To Subscribe To Our Reward Engine
- FIX your annual costs
- PERSONALISE the student experience with your school logo
- Stay with coded stickers or go DIGITAL
- Get access to a wider range of student motivational tools including running your own school raffles using personalised student avatars
- Access to STATISTICAL ANALYSIS across subjects, tutor groups, year groups, gender and houses(if applicable)
- Highest 60% of your students get AUTOMATICALLY entered into FIVE national raffles
- Create targets for students linked to rewards using our Target Tool
- Allow parents to view school targets and set student rewards with our MOBILE PHONE APP